Welcome to Cherry Garden School
I would like to warmly welcome you to our website which will give you a flavour of our wonderful school. Cherry Garden School is an outstanding special school for pupils aged 2-11 years, who have severe and complex learning differences.
Having moved into a brand-new building in the heart of Peckham in January 2019, the school provides a range of unique enabling environments, both indoor and outdoor, which are used to maximise learning opportunities and meet pupils’ specific needs. Please take a look at our virtual tour, which will show you some of our facilities being used by our amazing pupils.
Our experienced and dedicated staff team are committed to providing holistic, individualised learning through fun and engaging activities/lessons. We pride ourselves on working in partnership with parents/carers and multi-agencies to ensure pupils’ achievements are maximised and celebrated at every opportunity. We value each small step towards ambitious outcomes for lifelong learning. We are very proud of our school, our pupils and all of their successes throughout their unique learning journeys.
I hope you find the website helpful and are able to gain an insight into what we offer at Cherry Garden. The information may not answer all your questions, so please do get in touch for further details.
Kelly Hawker